Brazil exotic fruit

Guarana, paullinia cupana as it is scientifically called is a classified climber in the family of Maples. This climber is a bearer of a coffee bean like fruit that is celebrated for its tint of caffeine like substance for which it is used in Paraguayan culture. It also has been the main character in the Brazil’s “National Beverage” – The Guarana Soda.

Guarana Extract
The seeds have been separated from the fruit after an irregular fracture that exposes the seed. The seeds of Paullinia sorbilis and P.cupana and the extract is prepared which is rich in phyto-chemical ingredients like adenine, allantoin, alpha-copaene, anethole, caffeine, carvacrol, caryophyllene, catechins, catechutannic acid, choline, dimethylbenzene, dimethylpropylphenol, estragole, glucose, guanine, hypoxanthine, limonene, mucilage, nicotinic acid, proanthocyanidins, protein, resin, salicylic acid, starch, sucrose, tannic acid, tannins, theobromine, theophylline, timbonine, and xanthine.

Therapeutic Properties
analgesic (pain-reliever), antibacterial, antioxidant, hyperglycemic, memory enhancer, nervine (balances/calms nerves), neurasthenic (reduces nerve pain), platelet aggregation inhibitor (to prevent clogged arteries), stimulant, vasodilator.

Product Details

  • Botanical Name: Paullinia cupana, Kunth
  • Family Name: Sapindaceae
  • Common Names: Paullinia,  Guarana Bread,  Brazilian Cocoa, Uabano,  Uaranzeiro, Paullinia Sorbilis.
  • Part Used: Seeds
  • Habitat: Brazil, Uruguay.
  • Product Offered: Seeds, Extract



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